Road Map, Gas Tank, Recharge and the 1% Rule

What’s the plan?
What’s the plan for?
Man, landing back on native soil and digesting one year of imagineering we are coming to grips with the reality ring of our current situation. All these thoughts, ideas and experiences from the last year are now spilling out into our behavior to go after what it is we want and thus achieving our goals.
Sounds good in the dressing room before you go out but then you have to play the game… Its confusing, uncomfortable and nonconforming to what all the other moving parts in the “machine” are doing.
So you reflect back on your imagination that was so alive when there was freedom and now you have an internal talk with yourself…. What am I doing! What’s the plan?
The plan is to figure it out as you go and have you stick to your intentions from when the gas tank was full. The gas tank being your imageenered plan, the fuel being your emotions and the machine, the car, is you and I. We honestly have all the mechanics to get to our destination but without our gas tanks being filled up we stall out.
We all stall and this is the pain of the plan… but really what you need is some fuel-up stations along the way, a road map and some good directions. This comes from people. Inspirational people. The ones who make your heart beat faster, get your mind firing and the ones who you can actually count on. So often we are zapped and do not have it in us to push on with the plan and then say to ourselves… “Yeah its because of this or that,” kind of blaming the external environment for your results.
Naw, its us! We need a refuel. We need our imaginations to come back and be playful again, to play the game and be excited on making the 1% amount of progress.
When making big changes in your life its almost like you build yourself up to making that decision and BAM!!! We did it… Now what? We’re in unfamiliar territory. We’re on this road ahead that’s filled with twists and turns but also excitement and opportunity.
But it’s all in our self-talk; our perception of what makes our worlds good or bad. Its the awareness in ourselves to be brutally honest with where we are on the roadmap today and make 1% improvements to change the way you look at your plan.
So in a brief way we need to remind ourselves of our imaginations and how powerful they are.. Heck, everything we see around us came from someones brilliant mind! And remember that your plan is a real thing that needs fuel stations along the way. You’ll have a few stall outs but that’s okay, just remember that inspirational people in your life can help you refuel and get you back on the racetrack.
A conscious 1% a day in improving yourself can lead to tremendous change towards your goal in the end. Enjoy the ride friends, its a real gift to be alive in this day in time! We only have one shot at this thing!
We welcome your feedback and your thoughts. Feel free to let us know if your stalled out and we would be more then happy to give you some gas. Cheers.
Always a treat to be inspired by your words and energy Paulina! Thank you for the patients and undivided attention to stories and sharing in experiences Will! Props to both of you for the documentary sharing of lifes imagineering!
good analogy! good thoughts! inspirational thanks