How to Embarrassingly Find Your Voice

As many of you know, we’re trying to find our voice by articulating in words what some of our thoughts are and putting them in this blog. It’s the first time either of us have put ourselves out there for the public to read about our opinions and experiences. But one thing we’ve learned is to be yourself. Have a voice of your own, be conversational and authentic in your writing.
Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.
– Oscar Wilde
But there’s also other ways to “find your voice.” Finding your voice is about discovering some way to express your thoughts or feelings. It could be writing, acting, dancing or singing. And just like anything in life, it takes some warming up before you really get good at it.
On our journey of a thirst for firsts we thought we should test some of our “other” voices out – soooooo we went to our first singing lesson. We found this great group lesson through Meetups in a hidden basement cellar somewhere in Berlin. As if we weren’t uncomfortable already, we were nervous as hell when the other people who were attending told us it wasn’t their first time!
But who cares, no one knows us here! So we jumped into it and started warming up our voices!
And an hour later we were ready for our big debuts! Feel free to take a laugh at us but remember we’re like diamonds in the sky!
Although we didn’t have enough time to master the tone of Rihanna’s voice or to fully explore our own voice, what we loved and learned from this short singing lesson is to “find your own voice,” as the teacher said. From here it goes full circle back to what we said earlier, be yourself and be authentic. You don’t have to try to change your voice to be like someone else’s, because someone else’s voice has already been done by that person. What the world needs and wants is YOU, the uninhibited, passionate and very authentic YOU.
So now that we put ourselves out there, its your turn! Write in the comments and tell us about how you’re finding a new voice of your own or possibly feel inspired to put yourself out there. We’d love to hear about it and laugh at/with you about it!
Find light in the beautiful sea
I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I
We’re like diamonds in the sky– Diamonds by Rihanna