How to be a modern day wizard?

We want to see if we can write blogs in random places. Now it’s no problem to find random places seeing that we are often in random houses, cities, parks, camping in the middle of nowhere, and finding little gems of a spot while exploring. You would think we’d have all the time in the world to sit down and write a bit but not having a routine, nor clear direction of what we want to do with the day, our time flies by. Our life flies by. We’re starting to realize that planning only a year in advanced isn’t far enough. Being near our 30’s we’ve opened our perspective to a 5-10 year look ahead. What do we really want?
We know writing a to-do lists for the day or week can be daunting sometimes and fun other days. When the list is written out, you have your mission. You can prioritize, get focused and start to pick away at each task until it’s all done. You may not enjoy it, perhaps because it was too much of a panic or you didn’t get everything done in that day, so you feel disappointed. But you should still feel satisfied knowing what you did today were steps that are taking you closer towards your 1 or 5-10 year goals. The hardest part of the whole process is to write the plan, to really figure out your priorities and aspirations, to extract the floating idea cloud out of your head and put them on paper. Once that is done, you’ll either get at it right away or you won’t. The difference between the action and inaction comes to what you really want.
A story from Zen Buddhism Stories:
A man goes to a hermit he sees meditating by a river and says “I want to be your disciple.” The hermit asks “Why?” and the man responds “Because I want to find God.” So the hermit takes him to the river and holds his head underwater until the man is struggling. When he resurfaces, the hermit asks the man what he wanted when he was under the water, to which the man responds “I wanted air!” The hermit says, “Come back to me when you want to find God as much as you wanted air.”
I have heard various versions of this story but the idea holds true that once you really, truly want something, only then will you find or manifest what you were striving for.
Other times you may have somehow lost the to-do/goals paper and found it later on only to realize “Holy crap!” I’ve accomplished everything on the list. Hmm, I think there is something to this idea cloud capturing. It’s like walking a dog. You can have the little guy off-leash, untrained, and running all over the place with no idea where he is and when he is coming back home. Or you can put a leash on him, harness and train him to walk nicely, and return home after a long walk with both parties satisfied. Sometimes a harness to the untrained mind to help it focus is just what one needs to achieve their goals.
To get back to the 5-10 year thing, we are trying this experiment where we write out our floating idea cloud daily to see if we can walk our visions in that direction. This is not a to-do list but a mere capture of the invisible to make it real and visible. I swear this is what wizards did back in the day before people really knew the capacity of the mind. Wizards would think of something, write it out and POOF! it would happen. MAGIC! Then they would be able to purchase all the wands and white beard creams to become Hollywood famous. We think these wizards still exist today but in a more diluted, modern form.
We actually met a wizard in Thailand named Marvin. He was leading the ONE-GET team with a vision to creative an autarktic community, living in harmony with nature so that we, ourselves, could also live in peace. He kept telling us how he wizarded his friend and wizarded another man in Thailand he wanted to work on his project with him. We were enticed by his use of the word wizarding and how many people he had already wizarded, until we realized the whole time he was pronouncing “visited” in his strong German accent. Visiting or wizarding, either way, the vision that Marvin and his team had started from an idea cloud, a possibility of change, a new way of thinking, is now magically and intently manifesting itself into a reality through the steps they are taking each day.
Maybe the secrets to wizarding were never told and people organically found the powers they possessed within themselves. These days the power of capturing idea clouds and writing them down makes all of us wizards of the future. We can use our magic within to manifest the vision we want for our future.
We will fill you in over the next few months and hope you too become a Rambo-wizard, idea cloud capturing, cowboy. Hurry, Father Time waits for no one!