How to be a Succulent Wild Woman

Succulent Wild Woman
by Sark
Reader: Paulina
Method of reading: hardcopy
Rating: 2 out of 5
Golden nugget: There are no mistakes, there are only miss-steps.
I respect Sark’s openness and ability to dare greatly. She is vulnerable and yet assertive, respecting her boundaries and limitations. She has had a world of experiences throughout her life and many ups and downs. She has struggled with depression, incest relations, failures and much more but still is and working to be a succulent, wild woman!
The main reason for my low rating was because it was too general on so many various topics that I would have loved to go deeper into; she just scratched the surface. The book is written like a journal entry with creative scribbles and doodles, notes in the margins and short entries. I enjoyed how uniquely the book was put together! However do to its randomness it was hard to grasp any specific golden nuggets even though there were many ideas she mentions that really had me pondering.
A few other points worth highlighting:
– Women are very good at shining kindness outward but if you ask how kind they are to themselves they aren’t. Great example is how we give compliments so easily “Your curves are so feminine and desirable”, “Wow your hair looks great”, “You’re the best mom”, “You deserve all the happiness in the world”, etc … But how often do we recite those exact phrases to ourselves?
– It doesn’t matter what you write in a journal, it matters that it’s yours. This goes for writing anything, such as a blog or notes. Write in a way that is true to yourself and makes sense to you.
– FOG: fear, obligation, guilt. Don’t do something because you’re in the FOG! Often I allow myself to get sucked into guilt and obligation. I do things for others and outwardly versus looking in to see if it’s what is right for me.
Although my rating is low I still think this book is worth a read for the right audience so I’ll finish off with a great quote by Jan Glidewell that Sark mentions in her book.